Our Faith Formation program could not happen without the generous support of our volunteers!
Summer is approaching and we are beginning to plan our 2022-2023 Faith Formation classes. We are currently in need of volunteers, particularly Catechists, and other areas we need to fill as well.
If you are interested in a rewarding experience that gives you the opportunity to grow in your faith as well, please call our pastoral associate Paul Zdzieblowski at (586) 666-4029 or send him an e-mail at pastoralassociate@stmarywayne.org.
A catechist, commissioned and supported by the parish and pastor, is entrusted with the vital role of formally presenting the story of Faith to our children in a way that enables them to see and experience faith as a “living reality.” This ministry is open to any Catholic who has been confirmed, is actively practicing their faith, is in good standing with the Church, has taken Protecting God’s Children, and is willing to participate in certification workshops.
Just as the pastor gathers the parish to celebrate and share in the life of the Spirit alive in the faith community, so the catechist gathers the children and creates opportunities for them to experience the meaning and importance of Jesus in their lives.
At St. Mary Catholic Church, our catechists are dedicated and loving faith-filled people who make our faith come alive for our children. They have all completed the Protecting God’s Children workshop, and most are advanced certified by the Archdiocese of Detroit by attending catechetical topics and observing other catechists. These topics help the catechists to be effective teachers as well as aid in the deepening of their own faith. Click here to register for a Protecting God’s Children workshop. This link will also provide information on the Safe Environment Policy.
If you wish to join our team of catechists, please contact our Faith Formation office or Paul Zdzieblowski via email at pastoralassociate@stmarywayne.org. We encourage all the faithful to continue their own faith formation and education by attending retreats, workshops, and classes. One way to do that is by attending Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Classes are held at the Seminary, online, and at satellite
locations. For more information, please see the Sacred Heart website at shms.edu. Take it from me, it’s a great place to learn!